Video and Study Guides

If Not Now, When? ACELC video

Love for our brothers and sisters in Christ within the LCMS, and love for God and the truth of His Holy Word, prompted the ACELC to provide this video for our synod. The video serves as a great discussion prompter for congregations, gatherings of circuit pastors, districts—all who care about the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ within the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. It spells out clearly the issues of doctrine and practice that continue to cause division within our synod, and threaten our ability to walk together. It also shows our desire to assist in the return to faithfulness within our synod.

We encourage you to watch this video and use the study guides as we together seek to deal with such issues, guided by the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confession. We pray that these resources, and others available through the ACELC website, will be a blessing to you and our synod. We welcome your feedback.